Maureen's Services

My Services

As a licensed mental health professional, corporate trainer, coach and certified crisis counselor my services are crafted through years of experience.

Crisis Counselling - Girl with Hands on her head

Crisis Counseling

Critical Incident Stress Management. When a tragedy or critical incident occurs at work, the goal is to quickly and effectively manage the extraordinary event and its emotional impact while enabling the recovery process for your employees and the organization. This is done by providing rapid and flexible critical incident response services to manage psychological consequences of workplace violence, accidents, employee deaths and other traumatic events. The goal is to minimize the potential damage created by the incident while speeding the recovery process for employees and the organization.

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Corporate Training

Now more than ever, mental health training for leaders and managers is a high priority. Nearly all working Americans experience a mental health issue that affects their ability to remain focused and productive on the job. It’s vital for leaders to have an increased awareness of the importance of a mentally healthy workplace, be accountable for a safe and healthy workplace, recognise the factors that influence a mentally healthy workplace, respond to a potential behavioral health issue, and thus improve a better outcome.

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Consulting Service

Consultation and coaching are incredibly powerful tools to upgrade performance. Using the framework of Emotional Intelligence, I can provide you with practical, realistic and immediately usable ideas. 3 Proven Benefits of Workplace Coaching Leadership effectiveness Team effectiveness Increased employee self efficacy
This method can uncover “blind spots”, provide valuable feedback and give best practices on how to navigate change.
The International Coach Federation (ICF) presented research demonstrating that coaching tends to generate an ROI of between $4 and $8 for every dollar invested (Greiner).